Cushing syndrome

Central obesity/ Cervical fat pads/ Collagen fiber weakness/ Comedones (acne)
Urinary free corisol and glucose increase
Striae/ Suppressed immunity
Hypercortisolism/ Hypertension/ Hyperglycemia/ Hirsutism
Iatrogenic (Increased administration of corticosteroids)
Noniatrogenic (Neoplasms)
Glucose intolerance/ Growth retardation

Meckel's diverticulum details

2 inches long.
2 feet from end of ileum.
2 times more common in men.
2% occurrence in population.
2 types of tissues may be present.
 Note: "di-" means "two", so diverticulum is the thing with all the twos.

Duodenum: lengths of parts

1st part: 2 inches

2nd part: 3 inches

3rd part: 4 inches

4th part: 1 inch

Diaphragm apertures: spinal levels

Aortic hiatus = 12 letters = T12

Oesophagus = 10 letters = T10

Vena cava = 8 letters = T8



·         Dilatation of cervix

·         Effacement of cervix

·         Station of head

·         Consistence of cervix

·         Os postion


SAFE strategy for trachoma

·         S  Surgery

·         A  Antibiotics

·         F  Facial cleanliness

·         E  Environmental sanitation

Drugs/conditions which are stopped /modified before surgery

·         S  Smoking – 6 weeks before

·         E  Estrogen pills – 4 weeks

·         M MAO-A irreversible – 3 weeks

·         L  Lithium – 2 weeks

·         A  Aspirin – 1 weeks


All hypoglycemic drugs :-

Minor surgery   < 20 min – (omit the dose)

Major surgery    -- shift to insulin 1 week before --(omit morning dose)